These books look perfect! I'm also not an effortless host. I never feel like our house is clean enough to invite people in. I'm having family over next weekend for a birthday party so I'm accepting all thoughts and prayers and I prep a menu and frantically clean up.

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All my 🥔 and 🍐! I know you and your guests will have a blast but I also know what the behind-the-scenes anxiety is like 😅

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I wish I was an effortless host, but cleaning the house is my stressor! My best advice is to cater the meal--it takes a big weight off my shoulders. These books look delightful!

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That’s such a good tip! I almost never think of catering because in my head it’s always associated with huge events like weddings, etc. But it would be such a game changer if the only thing I had to worry about was cleaning!

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I would say I am almost an effortless host. I really enjoy feeding people and gathering with them to have a good time. Must be my Indian genes. I always make too much food though, which is what I prefer. I'd rather have too much food so everyone has plenty to eat (I've definitely been to some gatherings where there's not enough food and it detracts from the enjoyment). Leftovers are great to have too!

In my circle I've noticed people are making less effort to see each other. Post pandemic they are too busy with their lives outside of the home that they don't prioritize it. It's okay though, this is also a phase. I do miss regular gatherings though! Now I cherish the few that can happen.

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I hope you’re right and it is indeed a phase! I went to a block party yesterday and had the best time. There’s nothing that compares to hanging out with fun people.

And I’m so jealous you’re an effortless host and I can totally believe it given your love for cooking and trying new things. Feel free to invite me next time you host so I can learn from you (and mostly eat 😂)

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